There are many groups who are connected to the Ascension in a special way. Some of them are shown below together with links to their website (if they have one).

We operate as a Satellite Centre of Sparkhill Foodbank from our Church Hall. We are open from 2.30pm – 5pm every Friday afternoon. Food is distributed to those in need using a voucher referral system (find out more about how this works by following this link). Please use the map on the Contact page to find our location.
We also accept donations of food which can be brought to the hall when we are open, or dropped off at Church prior to a Sunday service

Hall Green Youth was established by the 3 Anglican Churches in Hall Green, Birmingham. These are St Michaels, St Peters and the Church of the Ascension. We have been operational since 2009, employing Youth Workers and also supported by volunteers. We are seeking to increase the confidence and self esteem of young people and understanding between generations. One particular aim is to enable young people to explore their spirituality and to have the confidence to express this in worship

The Hall Green Child Contact Centre offers a safe and friendly short term meeting venue for a child to maintain contact with an absent parent, and sometimes other relatives following the break-up of a marriage or similar relationship.
We are open every Saturday afternoon between 2-4pm, and additionally fortnightly 11:00-1pm.

The 279th Birmingham Scout Group are a long established Group who meet in our Church Hall. Follow the link to their Website to find out up to date information about their meeting times and activities